Oatmeal is a traditional breakfast choice that is very healthful. It's created using rolled or steel-cut oats, which contain a special fiber known as beta-glucan. This soluble fiber not only lowers cholesterol levels but also increases feelings of fullness by delaying stomach emptying and stimulating the production of peptide YY, a fullness hormone that may help avoid overeating. In addition, oats are high in iron, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
They also have around 10 grams of protein per cup (81 grams). Make oatmeal with milk instead of water, add some protein powder, or serve it with a side of eggs to up the protein level. Remember that while oats may not contain gluten, they are frequently processed alongside gluten-containing grains, increasing the risk of cross-contamination. As a result, persons who suffer from gluten-related diseases should pick gluten-free oats.