On Beauty
On Beauty is the third book on the list of the best books to read in your 20s. This 2005 novel was so popular that it was listed as the best seller book in the New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle.
This book, written by Zadie Smith, is a must-have for the twenties. It tells the story of two feuding professors who live in the university towns of Wellington and Massachusett, just outside Boston.
The novel's events lead you to believe that this piece deals with class politics, interracial differences, black identity, infidelity, body image, and much more. The cultural misadventure and the combustible collision between the two on personal and political levels make this a must-read piece in your twenties.
"In this sharp, engaging satire, beauty's only skin-deep, but funny cuts to the bone." —Kirkus Reviews. Zadie Smith for this book won the 2006 Orange Prize for Fiction.
Author: Zadie Smith
Link to buy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0143037749/ref=as_li_tl