Pachinko is an American drama television series created by Soo Hugh based on the novel of the same name by Manhattan-based author and journalist Min Jin Lee. Kogonada and Justin Chon direct the series, which stars Youn Yuh-jung, Lee Min-ho, Kim Min-ha, and Jin Ha. On March 25, 2022, it debuted on Apple TV+. The series was renewed for a second season in April 2022.
It received critical acclaim, especially for the cast's performances, cinematography, and writing. Kim Young-ok plays an older Bokhee in this film. Bokhee is an orphaned sister who works as a servant in Yangjin’s boardinghouse. During World War II, she goes to China seeking work and is never heard from again; they are likely exploited by Japanese soldiers. The eight-episode series was produced in three languages: Korean, Japanese, and English, with three episodes each. It won Best International Production at the AAFCA TV Awards.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Kogonada, Justin Chon
Starring: Youn Yuh-jung, Lee Min-ho, Kim Min-ha, and Jin Ha
Release date: March 25, 2022