Promote A Good Mood
Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is one of the most critical brain chemicals for mood control. It has been discovered that low levels of serotonin are frequently connected with depression disorder, necessitating action to raise these levels. Consuming meals high in vitamin B6, which is involved in the manufacture of serotonin, is one natural approach to do this. Durian fruit is high in this B vitamin, which can go a long way toward regulating mood, especially if you have a family history of depression. Carbohydrates are also linked to enhanced mood, which explains why durian may be particularly beneficial in this regard.
Along with vitamin B6, durian fruit includes the amino acid tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. This combination of nutrients will not only boost your mood but will also aid in the treatment of sleeplessness. If you suspect that a lack of sleep is contributing to your bad mood, consider drinking a little amount of durian every day for the following few days and reporting back if you notice improved sleep.