Raw Cheese
Raw organic milk is particularly helpful for your health since it adds good bacteria to your gut and comes with its own set of digestive enzymes. Raw cheese is high in enzymes, which aid in the digestion of fats and proteins. The digestive system is not overworked when the food you consume is high in bacteria and enzymes.
Raw milk cheeses are created using unpasteurized milk. Raw milk and raw milk products may be easier to absorb, lowering the risk of lactose intolerance, according to a study published in the journal "Appetite" in 2008. Enzymes found in raw milk and raw milk products aid in the natural breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, and minerals in milk. Probiotics such as thermophilus, bulgaricus, and acidophilus are rich in goat milk, sheep milk, and A2 cow soft cheeses. Read the ingredient list to discover true fermented/aged cheeses, and search for cheese that has not been pasteurized. The cheese's label should indicate that it is raw and has been aged for at least six months.