Reduces Risk of Cancer
Cancer is a chronic illness that causes uncontrollable cell proliferation. The course of the disease is frequently connected to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Several studies have found that pineapple and its constituents, especially bromelain, may lower cancer risk by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation. According to certain research, bromelain may also help cure cancer that has already grown. One test-tube study discovered that bromelain inhibited the development of breast cancer cells while stimulating cell death, while a mouse study discovered that bromelain boosted the benefits of anticancer treatment.
Similar results have been seen in other test-tube investigations for cutaneous, colorectal, and bile duct malignancies. Furthermore, previous animal and test-tube research have discovered that bromelain may activate the immune system to generate chemicals that make white blood cells more efficient in suppressing cancer cell development and eliminating cancer cells. However, pineapple has far less bromelain than pills. Although data is inconsistent, one analysis of human trials indicated no advantage to taking oral enzymes like bromelain with cancer therapy. More human research is required in general.