Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman created the Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, in 1987, and it has since grown to become one of the country's most popular Ashtanga Yoga studios. He has been a yoga practitioner since 1968 and spent nearly nine years in Asia studying various systems. His major instructor, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India, taught him Ashtanga Yoga, and he blends these many traditions into his practice. Freeman has also studied Vipassana meditation and Buddhist meditation, as well as Sufism, bhakti yoga, hatha yoga, and Iyengar yoga.
Richard Freeman began his serious study of Iyengar Yoga in 1974 and subsequently moved on to Ashtanga Yoga. Freeman now teaches public courses at Yoga Seminars and spends a major portion of each year teaching at yoga studios across the world as a guest teacher. Freeman offers intense teacher training courses and unique sessions, as well as frequent Indian philosophy discussions, as co-founder of Yoga Workshops.
Richard's colorful, often funny teaching style appeals to pupils from many walks of life and from all over the world. He travels the world teaching seminars and pieces of training and stays a curious student captivated by the connections between diverse traditions and cultures. He co-founded the Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, with Mary, and has a number of critically praised yoga audio and video records to his credit. Simultaneously, he is the author of The Mirror of Yoga, a book that examines the various yoga traditions and practices and what they have in common. Perhaps, Richard Freeman is very good with Yoga, which is why he is such a one of the amazing yoga teachers in the US you’ll love.
Born: 1987