Single Lung Transplant
Toplist would like to continue the list of the most expensive medical procedures by introducing you to a single lung transplant. A single lung transplant is a surgical procedure in which one lung is replaced with a donor lung. A donor lung can be obtained from either a living or deceased donor. A living donor can only donate one lobe of the lung. With some lung diseases, a recipient may only require a single lung transplant. Other lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, require that a recipient receive two lungs, so the Double Lung Transplant procedure is used. While lung transplants have some risks, they can also increase life expectancy and improve the quality of life for people with end-stage pulmonary disease.
Many patients can benefit from a single healthy lung transplant. The donated lung is usually from a donor who has been declared brain-dead. The average hospital stay after a lung transplant is one to three weeks, though complications may necessitate a longer stay. Following this stage, patients are usually required to attend a rehabilitation gym for 3 months to regain fitness. The rehabilitation program includes light weights, an exercise bike, a treadmill, stretches, and other activities.
Cost: $850,000