SoWa Artists Guild

The SoWa Artists Guild is a non-profit association of working studio artists located at 450 Harrison Avenue. Promoting the uniqueness and diversity of artists across the continent is SoWa's primary goal. The SoWa Artists Guild is well known for holding activities like "SoWa First Fridays" and "SoWa Open Studios," where they invite members of the community from all over to see how contemporary art is created and to discover more about an artist's workplace.
With hundreds of studios and dozens of galleries, Boston's SOWA artist neighborhood has grown into a significant artistic community. Numerous galleries and more than 80 artist studios may be found at 450 Harrison Avenue, which is located in the heart of SOWA. The SOWA Artist Guild is made up of a diverse group of individuals who create in a variety of media and have individual approaches to artistic expression. They are united by their commitment to their craft and their sincere pursuit of artistic excellence.
Tripadvisor Rating: 4.0/5.0
Things to do : Dine-in the SoWa art district and explore the boutiques run by one-of-a kind people!
Founded: 2005
Open Timings : Monday to Sunday - Open 24 hours
Location : 450 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118, United States