Take a melatonin supplement
Melatonin is a sleep hormone that signals to your brain that it's time to unwind and go to bed. Melatonin supplements are a well-liked sleeping aid.
Melatonin, which is commonly used to treat insomnia, may be one of the simplest methods to fall asleep quickly. Taking 2 mg of melatonin before bed enhanced sleep quality and energy the next day, as well as helped people fall asleep faster, according to one research. In another research, half of the participants fell asleep 15% faster and had better sleep quality. Melatonin is particularly beneficial while traveling and adjusting to a new time zone since it helps in the recovery of your body's circadian rhythm. 30–60 minutes before bedtime, take 1–5 mg. Begin with a low dose to assess your tolerance, then gradually increase as needed. Because melatonin might change brain chemistry, it's best to consult with a doctor before taking it.