The Allerca
Top 4 in Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds
One of the main problems when it comes to cats is allergies. Yes, there are times when pet owners have to give up their pets just because of an allergy. One of the most common solutions is self-saturation from allergens. With this breed, you can enjoy being a cat owner despite being somewhat allergic to cats. This hypoallergenic cat breed was bred by a biotech company called Allerca and named Allerca.
The Allerca cats will not cause their owners to have red eyes, sneeze or even have an asthma attack - something that some people who are prone to cat allergies often experience. A hypoallergenic Allerca cat costs between $4,000 and $6,000. It is a breakthrough for cat lovers willing to withdraw their wallets.
Price: $6,000