The Croods
The Croods is a DreamWorks Animation computer-animated adventure comedy film released in 2013 and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as "The Croodaceous," in which a prehistoric caveman's position as "Leader of the Hunt" is put in jeopardy by the arrival of a genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home.
On February 15, 2013, the film premiered at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival, and on March 22, 2013, it was released in the United States. The Croods received mostly excellent reviews and was a movie office hit, grossing more than $587 million on a $135 million budget. It respectively received Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Animated Feature Film.
Detailed Information:
Release dates: February 15, 2013 (Berlin)/March 22, 2013 (United States)
Running time: 98 minutes
Directed by: Kirk DeMicco, Chris Sanders
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener