It has the potential to be utilized to treat opiate addiction (opioid misuse disorder). Zubsolv is part of a comprehensive treatment plan that also includes counseling and emotional assistance. A single daily dosage is administered. Treatment should begin under physician supervision and gradually move to unsupervised administration when the patient's clinical stability allows. The dosage of take-home medicine should take the patient's stability, as well as their home security and other circumstances, into account.
The dose can be gradually increased until the optimal amount is established that keeps the patient in therapy while suppressing opioid withdrawal symptoms. Instead of buprenorphine monotherapy, it may be utilized as first treatment in people addicted to heroin and other short-acting opioids. To avoid triggering opioid withdrawal syndrome, Zubsolv should be taken as soon as indications of withdrawal occur but no later than six hours after the last opioid usage.
Patients who are addicted on methadone or long-acting opioids may be more vulnerable to triggered and extended withdrawal following Zubsolv induction and should instead be started on buprenorphine monotherapy. After initiating buprenorphine monotherapy, the patient might be switched to once-daily Zubsolv. Induction and maintenance dose guidelines may be found in the product information.