White bread, rice, and pasta
White bread, rice, and pasta are processed foods that are high in carbs. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have been proven to drastically raise blood sugar levels by consuming bread, bagels, and other food made with refined flour.
Products manufactured with refined white flour are not the only ones that trigger this response. According to one study, gluten-free pasta can also cause blood sugar levels to rise, with rice-based versions having the worst impact. In a different study, it was discovered that high-carbohydrate diets not only caused type 2 diabetes and mental deficits but also increased blood sugar levels and impaired brain function. There isn't very much fiber in these processed foods. The bloodstream's ability to absorb sugar is slowed by fiber. According to other studies, changing low-fiber food for high-fiber ones considerably lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics. Additionally, patients with diabetes saw their cholesterol levels drop.