White Zombie

White Zombie is a 1932 American pre-Code horror film directed by Victor Halperin and produced independently by Edward Halperin. The script by Garnett Weston is based on William Seabrook's novel The Magic Island, and it tells the story of a young lady who is turned into a zombie by an evil voodoo master. Madge Bellamy plays the zombie master "Murder" Legendre, while Bela Lugosi plays his victim. Joseph Cawthorn, Robert W. Frazer, John Harron, Brandon Hurst, and George Burr MacAnnan round out the cast.

Although there are no brain-eating creatures in "White Zombie," it is a classic zombie film. There is one "monster," but he's Bela Lugosi, so he basically consumes scenery. Murder Legendre is played by the great Bela Lugosi, a wicked voodoo master who can transform humans into zombies and make them do his will. Plantation owner Charles, who has fallen for Madeleine despite the fact that she is betrothed to someone else, asks him to do precisely that. "White Zombie" gets away with some immorality since it was made before the Hays Code was enacted, but the true reasons to see it are for its iconic stature and Lugosi's over-the-top, hilarious acting.

Detailed information:

Starring: Bela Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, Robert Frazer
Director: Victor Halperin
Year: 1932
Runtime: 73 minutes
Rating: 13+

Link to watch: www.amazon.com/White-Zombie-Bela-Lugosi/dp/B074V22GSM

White Zombie
White Zombie
White Zombie

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