20th Century Boys
Naoki Urasawa's "20th Century Boys" is a critically acclaimed manga series written and illustrated by him. The series was first published in Japan from 1999 to 2006 and has since been translated into a number of languages. The plot revolves around a group of friends who, as children, invented a symbol and a secret code as part of their fantasy world. In the present day, one of the friends, Kenji, learns that the symbol and code were used in a doomsday cult's plan to destroy the world. Kenji and his friends must discover the truth behind the cult's plot and put an end to it before it's too late.
"20th Century Boys" is a mystery driven by a series of clues and revelations that gradually piece together the truth behind the cult's plan. The plot is complex, with multiple timelines and plot threads that intersect in unexpected ways. The show also delves into themes such as friendship, betrayal, and the power of nostalgia. Overall, "20th Century Boys" is a complex and engaging mystery manga that will keep readers guessing.
Author: Naoki Urasawa
Original run: October 4, 1999 – April 24, 2006
Volumes: 22
Status: Completed
Buy here: https://www.amazon.com/20th-century-boys-manga/s?k=20th+century+boys+manga