Case Closed
Case Closed, also known as Detective Conan, is a witty manga series that has stood the test of time. Gosho Aoyama's creation is a cultural phenomenon that is still among the top-selling manga nearly 30 years after its debut. It revolves around Jimmy, a high schooler and detective who occasionally assists the police in their fight against a dangerous group known as the Black Organization. One day, Jimmy is given an experimental drug that transforms him physically into a child. That doesn't deter him in the least. And he keeps working under the alias "Conan." As you might expect, this one is about solving crimes, which fits right in with anything mystery-themed. But don't dismiss Case Closed as harmless entertainment. You might be surprised.
The mystery in "Case Closed" is propelled by Conan's deductive abilities and his ability to piece together clues to solve each case. In addition, the series features a diverse cast of characters, including other detectives, police officers, and criminals, each with their own distinct personalities and motivations. The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the final reveal. Overall, "Case Closed" is a fun and engaging manga that has been a fan favorite for decades. Its blend of mystery, humor, and character development has made it a genre classic.
Author: Gosho Aoyama
Original run: January 5, 1994 – present
Volumes: 103
Status: Ongoing
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