"Beastars" takes place in a world where anthropomorphic animals, or "beasts," coexist with humans. The story revolves around Legoshi, a quiet and reserved gray wolf who attends Cherryton Academy, a boarding school for young beasts. The plot begins with the murder of an herbivore student named Tem, which shocks the entire school.
As the story progresses, Legoshi is drawn to Haru, a white dwarf rabbit who is shunned by her peers for her promiscuous behavior. Their relationship is complicated, however, by the fact that Legoshi is a carnivore and Haru is a herbivore, and the two struggle to reconcile their feelings with their world's societal norms. "Beastars" explores a variety of themes throughout the series, including identity, discrimination, and the struggle to find oneself in a complex and ever-changing world. The show also has a diverse cast of characters, each with its own set of problems and perspectives.
The manga "Beastars" was very popular in Japan, and it has also gained a large following in other countries. The series has received praise for its compelling plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes. In addition to the manga, "Beastars" has been adapted into an anime series, which has received positive reviews from both fans and critics.
Author: Paru Itagaki
Original run: September 8, 2016 – October 8, 2020
Volumes: 22
Status: Completed
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