Billy Bat
Naoki Urasawa's "Billy Bat" is a mystery manga series. The plot revolves around Kevin Yamagata, a Japanese-American comic book artist who creates the popular "Billy Bat" comic. One day, he discovers that Billy Bat is not his own creation but rather a real-world character and that he is somehow linked to a larger conspiracy spanning decades and multiple countries. In 2008, the manga was serialized in Weekly Morning magazine, and it was later collected into 20 tankobon volumes. Kodansha Comics USA published it in English, and it has also been adapted into an audio drama and a stage play.
The series has received praise for its intricate plot, complex storytelling, and historical accuracy. It addresses issues like identity, cultural imperialism, and the nature of storytelling. Several awards have been bestowed upon the manga, including the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2009 and the Shogakukan Manga Award in 2012. Overall, "Billy Bat" is an engrossing and thought-provoking mystery manga that delves into a variety of genres and themes while enticing readers with unexpected twists and turns.
Author: Naoki Urasawa
Original run: October 16, 2008 – August 18, 2016
Volumes: 20
Status: Completed
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