MPD Psycho
"MPD Psycho" is a manga series written by Eiji Otsuka and illustrated by Shou Tajima about psychological horror and mystery. The plot revolves around a detective named Kazuhiko Amamiya, who has multiple personality disorder (MPD) and is tasked with investigating a string of heinous murders.
Amamiya's various personalities begin to take over as the investigation progresses, and he struggles to maintain control over his thoughts and actions. A team of detectives, including his partner, Machi Isono, and the enigmatic female detective, Miwa Shirow, assist him in his investigation. The film "MPD Psycho" is known for its graphic violence, mature themes, and intricate storytelling. It delves into issues like mental illness, identity, and the nature of evil. The manga has received critical acclaim for its intricate plotting, detailed artwork, and intriguing characters.
The series has also been adapted into a two-part live-action film and a live-action television drama. The adaptation was well received and stayed true to the source material, but it was criticized for its graphic violence. Overall, "MPD Psycho" is a dark and disturbing psychological horror and mystery manga for the brave. It is a thought-provoking and intense read that will leave readers with a lasting impression.
Author: Eiji Tsuka
Original run: 1997 – March 4, 2016
Volumes: 24
Status: Completed
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