"Pluto" is a manga series by Naoki Urasawa based on the story arc "The Greatest Robot on Earth" from Osamu Tezuka's classic "Astro Boy" manga. Shogakukan later compiled the series into eight tankbon volumes, which were published from 2003 to 2009. The plot follows Gesicht, a detective robot investigating a series of murders of prominent robots in a world where robots and humans coexist. The murders are thought to be the work of Pluto, a powerful and mysterious robot that is targeting the world's most advanced robots. Gesicht meets a variety of other robots along the way, each with their own distinct personalities and abilities.
"Pluto" delves into a number of themes, including the nature of humanity, the ethics of artificial intelligence, and the ramifications of creating intelligent machines. The series is well-known for its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and exploration of complex philosophical and ethical ideas. "Pluto" has received positive reviews from both fans and critics, and it has won several awards, including the Grand Prize at the 2010 Japan Media Arts Festival. The series was also adapted into an anime film, "Pluto: The Stage of the End," which debuted in 2021.
Author: Naoki Urasawa, Takashi Nagasaki
Original run: September 5, 2003 – April 4, 2009
Volumes: 8
Status: Completed
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