Akira is a seminal Japanese cyberpunk manga series written and illustrated by Katsuhiro Otomo. Set in a post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo, the story follows teenage biker gang leader Shotaro Kaneda, militant revolutionary Kei, a trio of Espers, and Neo-Tokyo military leader Colonel Shikishima as they attempt to prevent Tetsuo Shima from using his unstable telekinetic abilities to devastate the city and awaken a mysterious entity with powerful psychic abilities named Akira.
Akira has been a landmark title for the genre, noted for its influence on anime and manga, with gripping themes of political intrigue, action, adventure, mature psychological depth, and tragedy. The manga's chapters were first printed in Kodansha's Young Magazine before being compiled into six volumes and translated into numerous languages. Akira's unique characters and fascinating plot have captivated audiences worldwide, from Marvel Comics to Kodansha Comics.
- Author: Katsuhiro Otomo
- Genres: Cyberpunk, Political thriller, Post-apocalyptic
- Volumes: 6
- Status: Finished
- Read here: https://akiramanga.com/