Blue Hearts
Blue Hearts follows Yuuhi Nagi, a high school student halfway through his high school life with unfulfilled dreams and no friends in his classes. His uneventful existence changes when he becomes involved in an unexpected crisis, leading to the connection between four individuals who are at risk of repeating a year and the person who will aid them in succeeding.
The manga takes readers on a bittersweet coming-of-age journey, exploring themes of friendship, personal struggles, and unexpected challenges. It delves into heavier topics such as sexual abuse, depression, suicide, and violence, providing a deeper and more thought-provoking narrative. With a touch of humor and a slice-of-life storytelling style, Blue Hearts captivates readers with its engaging plot and well-developed characters, offering an emotional and impactful reading experience.
- Author: YAYOI Sou
- Genres: Manga, School Life, Slice of Life
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 64.5
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