Fushigi Neko no Kyuu-chan
Fushigi Neko no Kyuu-chan is a heartwarming and delightful manga centered around the charming adventures of Kyuu-chan, a white cat with a playful and kind-hearted nature. The story revolves around Kyuu-chan's endearing interactions with his owner, Hinata, and other characters in his life.
Kyuu-chan's charming innocence, extroverted personality, and unique behaviors, such as walking on two legs and wearing socks, add humor and sweetness to the narrative. The manga beautifully captures Kyuu-chan's ability to make friends with anyone and anything, including inanimate objects like toys and household items. The series is a heartening and uplifting portrayal of the bond between humans and animals, filled with moments of joy, kindness, and heartwarming gestures.
- Author: Nitori Sasami
- Genres: Seinen
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapter: 785
- Read here: https://ww7.manganelo.tv/manga/manga-bw978679