Bleach is a popular manga series written by Tite Kubo. It centers around Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who gains the abilities of a Soul Reaper from Rukia Kuchiki, another Soul Reaper. With these newfound powers, Ichigo takes on the responsibility of safeguarding humans from evil spirits and guiding departed souls to the afterlife.
The series, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 2001 to 2016, comprises 74 tankōbon volumes. Its popularity has led to the creation of an anime television series, animated feature films, original video animation episodes, stage musicals, light novels, video games, and a trading card game. The narrative explores Ichigo's journeys through ghostly realms while dealing with supernatural elements, martial arts, and adventure. Bleach has captivated audiences with its compelling characters and immersive world-building.
- Author: Tite Kubo
- Genres: Adventure, Martial arts, Supernatural
- Status: Finished
- Volumes: 76
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