Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball, a Japanese manga series by Akira Toriyama, was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995 and released in 42 tankōbon volumes. Inspired by the Chinese novel Journey to the West and Hong Kong martial arts films, the series initially focused on comedy but later transitioned into an action-packed fighting story.
It follows the adventures of Son Goku from childhood to adulthood as he trains in martial arts and searches for the Dragon Balls, seven magical orbs that summon a wish-granting dragon when brought together. Along his journey, Goku makes friends and battles villains who also seek the Dragon Balls. Dragon Ball was adapted into two anime series—Dragon Ball (1986–1989) and Dragon Ball Z (1989–1996) – and remains a beloved part of popular culture, known for its compelling characters, vibrant action, and enduring legacy.
- Author: Akira Toriyama
- Genres: Adventure, Fantasy comedy, Martial arts
- Volumes: 42
- Status: Finished
- Read here: https://mangaeffect.com/manga/dragon-ball-colored-manga/