Kuro is a supernatural mystery horror manga written by Somato, the creator of Shadows House. Serialized in Tonari no Young Jump from 2011 to 2016, the story revolves around Coco, a young girl, and her pet cat, Kuro, residing in a grand mansion on the town's outskirts.
Amid their day-to-day lives and interactions with townsfolk, darker elements emerge, including forest-dwelling monsters, Coco's enigmatic past, and Kuro's extraordinary nature. Notable themes include isolation, mystery, and the supernatural, drawing readers into a world of intrigue and suspense.
With an extensive cast and a storyline filled with suspense, Kuro intertwines elements of horror, mystery, and the supernatural. Dive into this gripping tale to uncover the hidden secrets and mysteries within Coco and Kuro's world.
- Author: Soumatou
- Genres: Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural
- Chapters: 22
- Status: Finished
- Read here: https://mangatoto.com/series/31602