Back Street Girls
Back Street Girls is a well-known manga series created by Jasmine Gyuh that delves into the world of the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia. The manga revolves around a unique premise where three yakuza members fail their boss, and in order to redeem themselves, they are given a peculiar ultimatum. To atone for their incompetence, they are forced to undergo a gender reassignment surgery and train to become idols. The story hilariously portrays their struggles to adapt to their new lives as female idols while concealing their true identities.
This manga's content explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, identity, and the clash between traditional yakuza culture and the glamourous world of entertainment. It combines elements of comedy and drama to create a unique and engaging storyline. Back Street Girls offers readers a fresh perspective on the yakuza genre, highlighting the absurd and unexpected challenges faced by its characters.
- Authors: Jasmine Gyuh
- Genres: Manga, Seinen(M), Ecchi, Comedy, Drama, Gender Bender
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 144
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