Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii, also known as "Raising a Bat," is a manga series written and illustrated by Shinichi Sakamoto. This action-packed Yakuza manga follows the story of protagonist Shinji Matoba, a former Yakuza member seeking a quiet life with his daughter. However, his past catches up with him, leading to a series of intense and violent encounters.
Yakuza manga, a subgenre of crime fiction, delves into the world of organized crime in Japan. These stories often explore the intricate hierarchy, codes of conduct, and brutal conflicts within Yakuza organizations. They provide a glimpse into the underworld while exploring themes of loyalty, honor, and the repercussions of a life steeped in violence. With its intricate plotlines, intense action sequences, and complex character development, Yakuza manga like Raise wa Tanin ga Ii captivate readers with their gritty portrayal of the shadowy criminal underworld.
- Authors: Asuka Konishi
- Genres: Manga, Josei(W), Seinen(M), Mature, Drama, Psychological, Romance, School Life
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 24.1
- Read here: https://mangatoto.com/series/69875