Gokusen is a renowned manga series created by Kozueko Morimoto that tells the story of a young female teacher, Kumiko Yamaguchi, affectionately known as "Yankumi," who becomes the homeroom teacher for a class of delinquent students at the prestigious Shirokin High School. However, Yankumi is not just an ordinary teacher; she also happens to be the heir to the Oedo Group, a powerful yakuza family.
The manga explores the daily challenges faced by Yankumi as she tries to balance her responsibilities as a teacher and her yakuza heritage. It delves into the world of the yakuza, shedding light on their code of honor, loyalty, and the ambiguous line between good and evil.
Gokusen combines elements of comedy, drama, and action, showcasing Yankumi's unorthodox teaching methods and her ability to connect with her students on a deeper level. It also explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and personal growth. Overall, Gokusen offers a unique perspective on the yakuza world, portraying it in an engaging and entertaining manner while exploring the complexities of its characters' lives.
- Authors: Morimoto, Kozueko
- Genres: School Life
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 156
- Read here: https://mangatoto.com/series/10066