Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari
Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari is a Yakuza manga series that delves into the intriguing world of organized crime in Japan. The story revolves around a young girl, Kumichou Musume, who finds herself unexpectedly thrust into the chaotic and dangerous life of the yakuza due to her lineage.
As the daughter of a powerful yakuza boss, she must navigate the treacherous underworld while trying to maintain her identity. The manga offers readers a glimpse into the unique culture, traditions, and hierarchy of the Japanese mafia. Expect intense action, high-stakes power struggles, and complex character dynamics in this gripping crime drama. With its engaging storytelling and visual flair, Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari captures the essence of the Yakuza genre, weaving together elements of drama, suspense, and emotional depth.
- Authors: Tsukiya
- Genres: Manga, Seinen(M), Comedy, Slice of Life, Yakuzas
- Status: Ongoing
- Volume: 6
- Read here: https://mangatoto.com/series/90473