Crows is a popular manga series created by Hiroshi Takahashi, known for its intense portrayal of the Japanese Yakuza underworld. Set in the notorious Suzuran High School, the manga delves into the power struggles between different street gangs vying for dominance. The story follows the protagonist Harumichi Bouya, a strong and fearless transfer student, as he navigates the treacherous world of rival gangs, violent brawls, and complex alliances.
With its gritty narrative style, Crows explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and honor among the delinquents. The manga's art captures the raw energy of the fight scenes, showcasing explosive action sequences. Apart from intense street fights, "Crows" also provides glimpses into the characters' personal lives, adding depth and complexity to the overall story.
- Authors: Takahashi Hiroshi
- Genres: Shounen(B), Action, Comedy, School Life
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 96
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