Sanctuary is a gripping manga series created by Sho Fumimura and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. Set in the world of Yakuza, it explores the lives of two childhood friends, Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami, who take different paths to rise through the ranks of both politics and organized crime.
With an enthralling mix of action, drama, and political intrigue, Sanctuary delves into the elaborate power struggles within the Yakuza underworld and the political landscape of Japan. The story offers a deep and complex portrayal of the Yakuza lifestyle, encompassing themes of loyalty, betrayal, honor, and the consequences of one's choices.
The manga's dynamic artwork brings the intense fight scenes and storytelling to life, immersing readers in the gritty underworld and intricate character dynamics. Trust, morality, and sacrifice are fundamental aspects explored in the manga, making it a compelling and thought-provoking series for fans of Yakuza-themed content.
- Authors: Fumimura sho
- Genres: Seinen(M), Action, Drama, Tragedy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 108
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