Batch cooking just one dish
Batch cooking is a type of meal preparation in which you prepare a large amount of a meal that can be eaten over several days. While it appears to be a great idea, in theory, the reality is that most people do not enjoy eating the same thing for days on end, even if it is a favorite recipe. This is a common error that everyone makes when they first start meal prepping, but it's a simple fix.
To avoid food burnout, make several different recipes at the same time and freeze half of each, keeping the other half in the refrigerator to eat during the week. This requires more work upfront (imagine making three recipes in one afternoon), but in the long run, you save time by having a backup in the freezer for the next week or month. If you do this once a week, you will always have something for dinner. Another way to avoid food boredom is to prepare ingredients that can be used in multiple meals.