Not making balanced meals

The traditional food pyramid has evolved over time, but the importance of a well-balanced diet has not. A complete diet provides your body with all of the nutrition it requires, including vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates. If your regular eating habits are deficient in any way, you risk having a weakened immune system and becoming ill.

And, while you all know how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet, doing so isn't always easy. So, when planning your meals, double-check your food prep to ensure you're putting together a balanced menu. Are there enough leafy greens in your diet? Consume enough colorful vegetables such as peppers and carrots. If you plan your meals with nutrition in mind, you should be able to include a variety of foods that will keep you healthy and satisfied. Eating fruits and vegetables in season, according to Nourish, is one way to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

Not making balanced meals
Not making balanced meals
Not making balanced meals
Not making balanced meals

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