Using too much oil

Overcooking your food is another common mistake in meal planning. While most proteins require some kind of fat to be cooked in, too much oil mixed with fat sitting in the refrigerator turns into a cold, gelatinous goo. Because prepared meals are kept in the fridge for a few days, ensuring that they are still tasty on day three is an important part of the process.

Using less oil is the best way to avoid over-oiling your dishes. You can experiment with different cooking methods such as air frying or baking. To infuse flavor without adding fat, steam and sauté ingredients in white wine or broth, and use flavorful marinades. White wine can be used to partially replace oil in marinades, according to WebMD. Salads and vegetables are also susceptible to over-oiling. Salads should always be meal prepped without dressing to keep them fresh and crisp. Before storing sautéed and roasted vegetables, pat them down with a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Using too much oil
Using too much oil
Using too much oil
Using too much oil

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