Not customizing your meals

Customizing your dishes to your diet is an important step in weekly meal planning. Many inexperienced home chefs make the mistake of attempting to follow a pre-designed menu from their favorite website or magazine without taking into account their personal preferences.

Making a list of what you and your family will eat is the simplest way to customize your meals. If you have any special dietary needs, such as being gluten-free or vegetarian-friendly, keep in mind that the weekly menu must include items that will satisfy everyone. You may like the idea of making a large salad every week, but in reality, you will be the only one eating it; the rest of your family may refuse to eat salad despite its health benefits. So, no matter how much you want them to eat more greens, you must be realistic in your meal planning and ensure that everyone's needs and tastes are met.

Not customizing your meals
Not customizing your meals
Not customizing your meals
Not customizing your meals

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