Forgetting the seasoning

A bland meal can be elevated with the right spices. Many home cooks do not measure their seasonings, instead sprinkling a pinch or two of this or that. While you may be able to eyeball your spices for a two-person dinner, batch cooking makes it more difficult to gauge ratios and add the appropriate amount. As a result, it's critical to follow the recipe's exact measurements to avoid over or under-seasoning your foods.

Marinating proteins before cooking them is an excellent way to season them. Because salt tends to dry out meats like chicken and steak, a marinade can help keep them moist. Dry rubs are another option for flavoring proteins and come in a variety of herb and spice blends. A simple squeeze of lemon on a prepared meal that has been sitting in the refrigerator for a couple of days adds a burst of bright, fresh flavor.

Forgetting the seasoning
Forgetting the seasoning
Forgetting the seasoning
Forgetting the seasoning

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