Bleach, presented in all capital letters, stands as a Japanese manga series penned and illustrated by Tite Kubo. The narrative revolves around Ichigo Kurosaki, an adolescent who acquires the abilities of a Soul Reaper—a figure akin to the Grim Reaper—from Rukia Kuchiki, another Soul Reaper.
Empowered by his newfound capabilities, Ichigo assumes the responsibility of safeguarding humanity from malevolent spirits, shepherding departed souls to the afterlife, and embarking on journeys through various spectral realms. The pivotal moment occurs when Rukia, engaged in the pursuit of an empty malevolent spirit, sustains severe injuries, compelling her to transfer her powers to Ichigo.
Temporarily shouldering the duties of a Soul Reaper, Ichigo undertakes the daily tasks inherent to the role. As Rukia recuperates, a bond forms between them, evolving into a friendship. Ichigo's journey unfolds through realms teeming with supernatural entities, and his growth as a guardian and ally to Rukia becomes a central theme in the narrative.
Author(s): Kubo Tite
Genre: Action, Comedy, Supernatural
Status: Completed
Chapters: 687
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