Kenichi, the Mightiest Disciple
The story focuses on Kenichi Shirahama, a 15-year-old high school student enduring prolonged bullying. His life takes a turn when he befriends Miu Fūrinji, a transfer student, and follows her to Ryōzanpaku, a dojo led by her grandfather, Hayato Fūrinji, housing diverse martial arts masters. Initially driven by a desire for strength, Kenichi's journey begins with overcoming a high-ranking karate club member, making him a target for school delinquents.
As Kenichi evolves from self-defense training to becoming a full disciple of Ryōzanpaku, his daily life involves intense training under six masters and facing challenges from 'Ragnarok,' a gang of bullies. After Ragnarok disbands, Kenichi and Miu face a new threat from Yomi, disciples of Yami—an organization rivaling Ryōzanpaku. The clash between the philosophies of sparing lives (Katsujin-ken) and ruthless tactics (Satsujin-ken) intensifies.
The storyline unfolds with Kenichi, Miu, and allies confronting Yomi, while Ryōzanpaku's masters take on Yami. The ultimate battle aims to thwart Yami's plan of ushering in chaos and warfare, known as "The Eternal Sunset." Successfully preventing this cataclysm dissolves Yami and Yomi. Kenichi persists in his training, later becoming a renowned novelist.
It is suggested that he marries Miu and surpasses her grandfather in martial prowess, fulfilling the condition set by the Elder for Miu's marriage. The tale encapsulates Kenichi's transformative journey from a bullied teenager to a powerful martial artist and the hero who safeguards the world from impending chaos.
Author(s): Syun Matsuena
Alternative title(s): History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Genre: Adventure, Comedy
Status: Completed
Chapters: 583
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