In the Middle Edo Period, the Unabara State emerged as a haven for martial artists driven by a belief in sheer power and a lifestyle centered around unrestrained combat. Washitzu Naosata, the formidable ruler of Unabara, seeks a worthy successor and summons his 31 sons for a unique selection process.
He instructs each son to identify the most formidable martial artist, and these chosen warriors must engage in battles until only one remains victorious. The triumphant son, securing the allegiance of the nation's mightiest martial artist, will ascend as the rightful successor to Unabara's leadership.
In the secluded mountains lies the dojo of "Daigame Ryuu" (Giant Tortoise Style), where Kurogane Gama resides. As the offspring of the renowned swordsman Kurogane Jinsuke, rumored to vanquish a thousand martial artists in Unabara, Gama becomes a focal point. Washitzu Naoshi, one of Naosata's sons, ventures to the dojo in search of the legendary swordsman, only to discover Jinsuke's mysterious disappearance.
Observing Gama's distinctive combat prowess, Naoshi alters his plan and invites Gama to join him. Driven by a thirst for strength, Gama accepts the proposition, marking the commencement of his journey to become the preeminent martial artist in the quest for Unabara's succession.
Author(s): Nakamaru Yousuke
Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure
Status: Completed
Chapters: 194
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