Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball recounts the life and exploits of Goku, tracing his growth from childhood to adulthood as he dedicates himself to martial arts training and embarks on a global quest to locate the seven fabled orbs called the Dragon Balls. These mystical spheres, when assembled, have the power to summon a benevolent dragon capable of granting any wish.
Throughout Goku's odyssey, he forges lasting friendships and confronts an array of adversaries, many of whom share his ambition to harness the Dragon Balls for their personal gain. As Goku progresses on his path, he evolves into the most formidable warrior across the universe.
The sequel, often referred to as 'Dragon Ball Z' in North America, marks the second phase of Goku's saga following a significant time skip. This installment continues the narrative, unveiling new challenges, foes, and transformations, further solidifying Goku's status as the preeminent warrior in the Dragon Ball universe.
Author(s): Toriyama Akira
Genre: Action, Adventure
Status: Completed
Chapters: 519
Reading link: http://tinyurl.com/2zp7bxz8