Hajime No Ippo
"Hajime no Ippo" unfolds the narrative of Ippo Makunouchi, a reserved, helpful, and amiable high school student characterized by his shyness. Despite his benevolent nature, Ippo's innocence often renders him a target for bullying by some of his classmates, culminating in a particularly brutal encounter under a bridge.
A fortuitous turn of events transpires when a passing jogger, revealed to be Mamoru Takamura, an exceptionally gifted professional boxer, intervenes and swiftly neutralizes the attackers. Awed by Takamura's prowess and fueled by a newfound determination to overcome his vulnerabilities, Ippo resolves to embark on the path of boxing.
As Ippo engages in his initial sparring at Kamogawa Gym, his latent talent and natural affinity for the sport become evident. The unfolding journey captures the transformation of an unassuming high school student into a promising boxer, driven by a desire for strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
Author(s): Morikawa Jyoji
Alternative title(s): The Fighting! Ippo; The Fighting!; Fighting Spirit
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sports
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 1443
Reading link: https://www.mangaread.org/manga/hajime-no-ippo/chapter-3872/