Bleach is a Japanese anime television series based on Tite Kubo's original manga series of the same name. It was directed by Noriyuki Abe and produced by Studio Pierrot. The 366-episode series was broadcast on TV in Tokyo from October 2004 to March 2012. The plot follows Ichigo Kurosaki's exploits after he gains the abilities of a Soul Reaper (a death personification akin to the Grim Reaper) from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki. His unexpected abilities compel him to take on the responsibilities of protecting people from bad spirits and leading departed souls to the afterlife. The anime adaptation features fresh plots not present in the book, as well as characters who make many appearances and stories.
Bleach was a significant element of Toonami and Adult Swim programming that helped promote shounen anime to Western viewers, spanning 366 episodes during a nine-year run from 2004 to 2012. Bleach is still relevant today since it was revealed that the manga's last story arc will be adapted into an anime series in November 2021. Bleach tells the narrative of Ichigo, who rises from humble beginnings to become an exceptionally strong Soul Reaper. He is charged with protecting the innocent from all manner of heinous creatures while studying the intricacies of the spiritual realm.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Noriyuki Abe
Released: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012
Link to watch: