My Hero Academia
Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and drawn by him. The plot revolves around Izuku Midoriya, a kid born without superpowers in a world where they are widespread, but who aspires to be a superhero himself. All Might, Japan's greatest hero, scouts him and picks Midoriya as his successor after noticing his potential, and assists in enrolling him in a prominent high school for superheroes in training.
My Hero Academia incorporates several topics from earlier shonen anime shows and puts its own twist on them. People with superhuman talents are ubiquitous in Izuku Midoriya's world, and despite the fact that he has any capabilities of his own, he is determined to become a superhero one day. Fans of the program have established favorite pupils in the academy, and the show has amassed a sizable internet following. Many of the pupils advance in the hopes of becoming heroes like the invincible All Might, while others, like Katsuki, establish a rivalry with Izuku.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Kenji Nagasaki
Released: April 3, 2016 – present
Link to watch: