Death Note
Tsugumi Ohba's Death Note is a Japanese manga series written and drawn by Takeshi Obata. The plot revolves around Light Yagami, an adolescent genius who stumbles into a mysterious notebook: the "Death Note", which belonged to the Shinigami Ryuk and provides the user the extraordinary ability to murder anybody whose name is inscribed in its pages. The series follows Light's subsequent attempts to use the Death Note to carry out a worldwide massacre of individuals he considers immoral in order to create a crime-free society under the alias of a god-like vigilante named "Kira", and the subsequent efforts of an elite Japanese police task force led by enigmatic detective L to apprehend him.
Death Note revolves around the juvenile genius Light Yagami and his discovery of the notorious "Death Note" book. This book permits its owner to murder anybody as long as the author knows both the victim's face and name. Light's vigilante activities catch the attention of local authorities, most notably investigator L, complicating his struggle against Japan's criminals. While 37 episodes may appear to be a little number in contrast to other entries on this list, Death Note manages to weave a highly gripping tale and is one of the finest single-season anime series ever.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Tetsurō Araki
Released: October 3, 2006 – June 26, 2007
Link to watch: