Naruto: Shippuden
"Naruto - Kapuden" (Naruto Shippuden) is a television anime based on the manga "Naruto" and a sequel to the earlier work "Naruto". While the original Naruto series included 220 episodes of manga material, Naruto: Shippuden vastly expands on the source material by adding an extra 500 episodes. Shippuden takes place three years after Naruto leaves to train with Jiraiya, and as a result, the power levels of the majority of the people involved have skyrocketed.
This allows the series to showcase far more lavish confrontations with tremendous abilities, notably against the Akatsuki, the series' major threat. Because Shippuden enables many of the core characters to develop deeper and attain satisfactory resolutions to their character arcs, it's no surprise that this series is so popular among fans.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Hitoshi Kishimoto
Released: 15 February, 2007 - 23 march, 2017
Link to watch: