CatDog is a Nickelodeon-produced animated television series created by Peter Hannan. The series was created by Nickelodeon in Burbank, California. Following the 1998 Kids' Choice Awards, the first episode aired on April 4, 1998, with the show officially debuting in October of that year.
With a bizarre concept based on the commonly held assumption that cats and dogs are natural adversaries, CatDog imagined the two being united as brothers. CatDog followed the sibling's Cat and Dog as they navigated life together, complicated by their very different personalities, and saw them face several challenges as a result of their conflicting viewpoints. Despite this, as well as Cat's propensity for deception and Dog's higher reputation in their community, they remain close friends.
Detailed Information:
Created by: Peter Hannan
Voices of: Jim Cummings, Tom Kenny, Carlos Alazraqui, Maria Bamford
No. of seasons: 4
No. of episodes: 68 (134 segments)