Doug is an animated television series produced by Jumbo Pictures and developed by Jim Jinkins. The sitcom follows Douglas "Doug" Funnie, a young teenager who faces ordinary difficulties while attending school in his new city of Bluffington. Each story is narrated by Doug in his notebook, and the program includes numerous imaginative scenarios. Trying to fit in, platonic and romantic relationships, self-esteem, bullying, and gossip are all addressed in the series. Doug's attempts to impress his classmate and crush, Patti Mayonnaise, are shown in several episodes.
Along with Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show, the series premiered on the cable network Nickelodeon on August 11, 1991, as the channel's first original animated entertainment. From 1991 through 1994, 52 episodes were broadcast across four seasons, totaling 52 episodes. Doug was a famous coming-of-age story, remembered for its imaginative scenes and heartwarming tone.
Detailed Information:
Created by: Jim Jinkins
Developed by: Jim Jinkins, David Campbell, Joe Aaron
Voices of: Billy West, Tom McHugh, Fred Newman, Chris Phillips
No. of seasons: 7
No. of episodes: 117 (166 segments)