Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain created the Nickelodeon animated television series Rugrats. The show centers on a group of toddlers—Tommy, Chuckie, Angelica, and twins Phil and Lil—and their daily lives, which frequently involve life experiences that turn into far larger adventures in the main characters' imaginations. The Rugrats frequently escaped adult control and went on excursions that contrasted the realism of their situation with the magical perspective of the toddlers. Rugrats was notable for teaching viewers about many ethnic and religious traditions, including the Pickles family's Jewish faith, among other life lessons.
During its 13-year career, Rugrats won over 20 awards, including four Daytime Emmys, six Kids' Choice Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. From 1995 through 2001, the sitcom was a rating success, anchoring Nickelodeon as the network's top-rated show. Until SpongeBob SquarePants broadcast its 173rd episode in 2012, it was Nickelodeon's longest-running cartoon.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Slice of life
Created by: Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo, Paul Germain
Voices of: E. G. Daily, Christine Cavanaugh, Nancy Cartwright, Cheryl Chase
No. of seasons: 9
No. of episodes: 172 (322 segments)